About Miller-Books & Judaica

Jewish Gifts
Fine Leather Books and Judaica
Established in Jerusalem in 1950 by R’ Mordechai Nosson Miller, zt”l, Miller Books and Judaica has been at the forefront of the leather-Judaica and Jewish Gifts industry for over sixty years. Internationally acclaimed for their stunning blend of art and quality craftsmanship, Miller products have set a worldwide standard for traditional yet up-to-date Judaica.
The Miller Books factory headquarters in Jerusalem extends over 2,000 meters (6,500 ft), and dozens of artists and product development specialists staff a number of different departments. Our Jewish gift products are made from the finest raw materials, exclusive genuine leather, and various types of high-quality processed leathers.
We offer a vast selection of over 7,000 different products, including siddurim, machzorim for the Jewish holidays, Tehillim, Selichot, books of special prayers and supplications, and a wide variety of exclusive benchers. In addition, we have an impressive array of favors and souvenirs for special occasions. Our gifts are crafted from beautiful leathers combined with gold trim and other modern elements, all the while retaining their traditional nostalgic flavor.
Our product development department designs and produces dozens of custom-made Jewish gifts for individuals, special occasions, businesses, corporations, and charitable organizations. These special orders are prepared according the customer’s specifications, from the earliest stages of design to the final stages of production. All year round, our designers are hard at work creating new items for every occasion and event, as well as for our private clients.
Our mission is to fulfill the vision of our founder, R’ Mordechai Nosson Miller, zt”l, who aspired to beautify the mitzvot, as Jews have done throughout the generations. It is this belief that guides us and inspires us to invest countless hours and unending efforts in the restoration and reproduction of centuries-old Jewish classics, enabling the public to enjoy these timeless works of art.
Miller Books is an international symbol of style and quality. Look for our products in Jewish bookstores and fine Judaica shops all over the world.